5 Items That Should Never
Be Stored In Your Garage

Published on June 15th, 2017

Often garages are used to not only store our cars but store items that we do not have room for in our home. There are, however, materials that shouldn’t be stored in your garage. These items in some cases, pause a threat to the health and safety of your family. As your garage door installation company in Cicero, we have created a list of 5 items that should never be stored inside your garage.

  1. Clothing and bedding – It is no secret that summer in Chicago can get hot. Bulk coats and heavy linens need a place to be stored during the summer heat. While your garage may seem like the perfect place to store these items, raccoons, skunks, and mice may make these comfortable items their new home.
  2. Fresh Food – A garage is no place for fresh food of any kind – including pet food. Storing food in your garage welcomes animals and critters to stay.
  3. Propane Tanks – Propane is needed for a good summer BBQ, however, the garage is not your proper storage place. It’s best to leave propane outside. Often, the valve isn’t closed completely, causing a leak. Leaking propane is explosive and can be a deadly situation.
  4. Temperature-Sensitive Items – Items like wine should never be stored in your garage. Exposure to summer heat can damage the composition and coloring – making it unsafe to drink! Paint, refinishing solvents, and stains can also spoil in the heat.
  5. Electronics – Cameras, DVD players, televisions, computers, and gaming systems can become damaged from extreme cold or heat. That box of electronics that you have been meaning to donate, won’t do any good left in the garage.

Have a question about installation, repairs, or replacements for your garage? Call to talk to our garage door installation company in Cicero today at (773) 358-1110.

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